Service Of Process


Legal Lawgic provides coverage of all aspects of service of process local and nationwide and investigations including: stakeouts, skip tracing, non-routine services, multiple-party, multiple-address service, and investigation on bad addresses. We prepare all California and Federal proof of services forms for you.

Legal Lawgic provides coverage of all aspects of service of process local and nationwide and investigations including: stakeouts, skip tracing, non-routine services, multiple-party, multiple-address service, and investigation on bad addresses. We prepare all California and Federal proof of services forms for you.

Our web portal will provide you with up-to-date status reports with the exact details of your service, including dates and times of every attempt, along with an executed proof of service, once your documents have been served.

For rush and special assignments, we are able to email or fax the copy of the proof of service prior to sending you the original.

Local Counties CA

Legal Lawgic provides coverage of all aspects of service of process local and nationwide and investigations

Standard: First attempt started in 4 days $89.50
Today: 1st attempt same day if received before 12 PM $135.50
Special: 1st attempt at specified time/or if received after 12 PM $189.50
Multiple Defendants: Same address/Separate case is full charge $55.50
Stake-Out/Wait Time: 4 hour minimum $85.50hr
Printing of Service: 40 pages-no charge/over 40 full charge/includes mailing $0.25PP
Notary: Proofs/Affidavits/Misc $15.00

Statewide CA

Legal Lawgic provides coverage of all aspects of service of process local and nationwide and investigations

Standard: First attempt started in 4 days $115.50
Today: 1st attempt same day if received before 12 PM $159.50
Special: 1st attempt at specified time/or if received after 12 PM $199.50
Multiple Defendants: Same address/Separate case is full charge $85.50
Stake-Out/Wait Time: 4 hour minimum $99.50hr
Printing of Service: 40 pages-no charge/over 40 full charge/includes mailing $0.25
Notary: Proofs/Affidavits/Misc $15.00

Nationwide CA

Legal Lawgic provides coverage of all aspects of service of process local and nationwide and investigations

Standard: First attempt started in 4 days $215.50
Today: 1st attempt same day